| ▲瘦臉有兩種,肌肉型用肉毒桿菌注射有效...脂肪型用雷射溶脂才有效... |
瘦臉分兩種,肌肉型用肉毒桿菌注射有效, 打完三個星期左右有人看到你說:你最近好像變瘦了,這時你心裡就可暗笑:有效了。 脂肪型用雷射溶脂才有效,做完1-2週消腫後見效。 如何分辨肌肉型或脂肪型?臉頰捏捏看,厚度超過一公分就是脂肪型 http://www.gscline.com/fatlocallaser.htm 牙根咬咬看,咀嚼肌鼓起來就是肌肉型 肉毒注射大約半年一次, 別擔心,兩年後就會大致定型, 以後很久才需要維持再打。
There are two methods to slim one's face. Botulinum toxin injection treats muscular hypertrophy well, while laserlipolysis is effective for adipose hypertrophy. Pinch test with the result more than 1 cm reveals positive adipose hypertrophy. Masseter muscle bulging on biting represents muscular mass. Botulinm toxin injection has to be repeated every 6 months. The effect sustains for more time after 2 years' treatment. For laserlipolysis, the result lasts for good once the swelling subsides after 1-2 weeks.